Current Work For Next Big Update

Major Issues:

  • FIXED! Stop Player from healing after losing.

General Issues:

  • FIXED! Change prompt that says to 'click' to something like 'press interact (keyboard or controller btn).
  • FIXED! Change Healing sfx!
  • Move the 'Objectives' Text to the Pause Menu.

Wanted Side Features:

  • FIXED! Retro inspired art for the 'mask ui'.
  • Blow up the soda button on the vending machine when the player presses it a specified amount of time. (I'm thinking 6x)
    *This is mainly to prevent the player from spawning too many objs into their game causing a crash.
  • Add better sfx to the vending machine btns.
  • FIXED! Make all of the creatures change pitch randomly before playing sfx.
  • FIXED! End Credits: Remove lowrez pixel-look. Remove Steam Wishlist btn. Auto-select the return to title btn.

New Levels to be added in the next update:

  1. "Jungle" Level
  2. "Snow" Level
  3. "Machines" Level

I hope to have a whole new update ready by the end of August. With new levels, a new ending and some new funny/scary scifi antics.

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Looks sci fi and solid!!! So island with palm is like farcry!

Ty! May be a little like farcry...