New Demo Coming Soon! Progress Notes 10/4-10/8

So much has been done since the last public release.

I want to show the new features and structures that are shaping into an actual larger game.

Instead of releasing everything I have as early access content, why not just make a new short demo?

This next live demo will have some fun new surprises!

I hope to have it released within a week.

The DEMO will be the Tutorial Room and 3 Levels.

*The remaining 75% of the game is coming along really well! It's very difficult to find the time to work on it, but I'm very happy with the results lately.

I recovered an old "snakedragon" script I wrote about 3 years ago, adapted it a little and gave it a new paint job!

Some recently touched up player controls:
  1. The camera no longer pops forward when you walk. (The zoom.cs script was doing this...)
  2. fixed the Rigidbodycontroller to stop movement based on the camera direction and make it based on player object.

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